Offers for refugees and new immigrants

The Institute DaZ/DaF condemns the war in Ukraine like any other act of war.

We are deeply shocked.


Due to our topics and fields of work, we have many long-standing contacts and exchange relationships with scientists and scientific institutions in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary, among others.

For years we have been working and researching on the Essen campus on questions of acquiring, maintaining and teaching languages. The language German (as a second or foreign language) and the first language(s) of speakers are equally in the focus of a continuous, inclusive, subject-oriented and multilingualism-supporting language education.

As an institute, we make our contribution, among other things, through the training and professionalization of teachers in schools and adult education. We would like to provide targeted support for all people who have to leave their country and seek protection in Germany with a view to linguistic integration, participation and the preservation of language(s). This involves both the teaching of German by teachers trained for this purpose at all stages of education as well as offers for school lessons in the first language in order to ensure its preservation.